Project Neural Cloud: Rekomendasi Doll yang Belum Rilis di Server Mendunia

Server Mendunia Project Neural Cloud telah berjalan selama sebulan lamanya, di mana unit (disebut Doll) baru telah mulai berdatangan. Kali ini Indogamers Ingin berbagi informasi mengenai Doll-Doll yang belum dirilis di server Mendunia dan Layak Demi diincar karena kekuatan mereka!

IDGS, Senin, 19 Desember 2022Dimulai dengan Kuro, gim mobile gacha rogue-like Project Neural Cloud (PNC) akan kedatangan Doll-Doll baru Demi menambah arsenal dari para Profesor (protagonis Istimewa di PNC, yang tak lain adalah kita para Pemain).

GIm PNC sendiri telah berjalan lebih dari setahun di server China (CN), maka dari itu kita Dapat mengetahui kemampuan setiap Doll baru yang belum dirilis di server Mendunia.

Meski sayangnya urutan banner rilis dari server Mendunia berbeda dengan server CN sehingga Enggak Dapat dijadikan acuan waktu Demi menabung Quartz Sand (gem-nya PNC) dan Advanced Search Ticket Demi menggacha. Hanya saja mengetahui Doll mana yang akan kita incar akan sangat membantu para Pemain khususnya mild spender dan F2P dalam menabung.

Ingat bahwa dafter Doll di Dasar ini berempasis dari segi kekuatan suatu Doll alias mengacu pada meta ke depannya di server CN. Kalau kalian adalah tipikal waifu lover, tentunya kalian bebas menggacha Doll favorit kalian tanpa mengacu kepada meta.

Demi mempermudah kalian menentukan menentukan Derajat meta suatu Doll, Indogamers membaginya ke dalam tiga rekomendasi:

  • God – Eksistensinya Membangun Nyaris Sekalian Doll lain di role yang sama jadi kurang relevan.
  • Must Have¬†- Melaksanakan tugas mereka dengan sangat Bagus dan seringkali memberi opsi ekstra di luar role mereka.
  • Highly Recommended – Dapat mencapai Tier 0 Tetapi hanya di konten-konten/situasi tertentu seperti komposisi tim misalnya.

Demi deskripsi Skill dari para Doll, deskripsi yang Indogamers Guna adalah deskripsi Skill pada level maksimal (10).

Tak usah basa-basi Kembali, ini lah daftar Doll-Doll yang belum rilis di server Mendunia dan nantinya akan masuk ke dalam meta!


Python – Highly Recommended

( Team)

Orientasi: Reducing Enemy’s Range, DEF Steal, Stealth & Damage Amplification

Pasif: System Bash

  • When Basis Attack hits an enemy, increase self DEF/CALC DEF by 25% and reduce the Sasaran’s defenses by the same amount. After 2 Basic Attacks, the following 3rd attack will have an extended range.

Aktif: Ronson Flame (12 detik)

  • Deals 30% Physical damage to all enemies in a cone and add Blindfolded status to enemies hit. For every enemy hit, restore 5% Max HP, up to a maximum of 20%. Blindfolded: Enemy’s range is reduced to 2.

Ultimate: Iron Python Hunting Ground (30 detik)

  • Select an area containing friendly Dolls and toss a smoke grenade on them, knocking back all enemies within 1 tile. Generates the Smoke Screen effect for 6 seconds on the targeted friendly Dolls. Extends Python’s basic attack range.Smoke Screen: Friendly Dolls within the field effect cannot be targeted. Increases the damage of Ranged units in the smoke by 50%.

Guard yang sangat bagus, Tetapi sayangnya terlalu spesialis. Dapat berpotensi menjadi Guard yang sangat keras. Rawan Tewas Kalau terkena hujan CC dan burst damage dari Boss seperti Raven dan Messenger.  Jangkauan Skill Aktif agak nanggung, Tetapi Dapat Bermanfaat di beberapa situasi. Masuk TIer 0 Demi konten Exception Protocol (belum dirilis) nantinya.

Clotho – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Focus Fire, Resurrection

Pasif: ???

  • Clotho’s physical and computational defense increased by 15% . Clotho will bury the non-summoned units that died on the ground and collect Nether Butterfly from them. For each Nether Butterfly, Lotto’s physical and computational defense will increase Increase by 3.5% , collect up to 5 Nether Butterflies. When an allied character takes fatal damage, Lotto triggers Asylum. Asylum: Immune to one death, gain Lotto ‘s 20% maximum health shield and enter the coffin to sleep for 5 seconds, during which 3% of maximum health is restored every second . After the shield is broken, the dormancy state will end early. This effect has a trigger chance at the beginning, and each time you collect a Nether Butterfly, the trigger chance will increase.

Aktif: ??? (13 detik)

  • Judge the Sasaran, inflict 50% of its own computing power + 150% of the calculation of the calculation of defense damage , so that allies focus on it and within 8 seconds, the Sasaran will receive an additional 25% of the calculation of the defense of Clotho for every normal attack . The calculated damage is derived.

Ultimate: ???

  • Unleash 5 Nether Butterflies to attack the enemy, Death Butterfly Shadow can release 1 additional Nether Butterfly for every collected Nether Butterfly. Nether Butterfly attacks an enemy at an Jarak of 2 seconds (prioritizing the attack on the enemy currently attacked by Clotho), causing 30% of the calculated defense damage , and restores Clotho’s health to 100% of the damage value for 10 seconds.

Doll yang butuh perhatian Spesifik terutama dari segi penggunaan di medan perang karena membutuhkan pengaturan mikro secara manual dari Pemain. Kemampuan menghidupkan kembali (Resurrection) Doll Sahabat sangat bagus di PNC, terutama di pertarungan berdurasi Panjang. Dapat dibilang kemampuan Resurrection Clotho sama seperti Ultimate Nanaka Tetapi tanpa batas jangkauan Skill dan timing penggunaan. Kelemahan Clotho adalah dia merupakan Guard yang berorientasi pada Operand Def, maka dari itu butuh pengaturan Algorithm yang Betul agar Clotho Dapat survive di medan perang.

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Hatsuchiri – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Damage Dealer, Survival, Sasaran-Seeking

Pasif: Dive into the Dust

  • Negates lethal damage once and triggers Dive after that. Dive Is also triggered at the start of battle. Dive: Dashes to the enemy farthest away, dealing physical damage and knock all surrounding enemies up

Aktif: Impaling Assault (6 detik)

  • Deal Physical damage 3 times to the current Sasaran, the second hit releases an AOE dealing additional Derived physical damage to enemies around Hatsuchiri. If the current Sasaran dies, trigger Dive.

Ultimate: Old Soil (30 detik)

  • Select an enemy, trigger Dive towards it and fill your Active skill gauge once.

“The Queen of Deep, Eldritch Terror of the Void”. Di server CN, Hatsuchiri adalah Doll pertama yang dijuluki overpowered.

Apa yang dibutuhkan seorang Warrior di PNC, Hatsuchiri memilikinya: Mobilitas tinggi, Damage AoE (area) maupun Single-Sasaran, Crowd-Control, mekanisme mengelabui Mortalitas, dan mekanisme reset skill. Kurang apa Kembali? Belum Kembali, seluruh skill Hatsuchiri saling bersinergi dengan sempurna satu sama lain.

Satu-satunya kekurangan Hatsuchiri adalah animasi skill yang terlalu Panjang, membuatnya kurang optimal menggunakan Function Card. Tetapi dengan segala kelebihannya, kekurangan ini Dapat dibilang tak terasa. Lagipula animasi skill yang Panjang Dapat direduksi dengan menggunakan Algorithm dengan main stats Rapidity.

Magnhilda – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Anti-burst, Revival, Durability

Pasif: ???

  • Upon taking an instance of damage greater than 8% MHP, speed up Active skill CD by 1s. Upwind: Upon receiving lethal damage, each [Upwind] stacks is converted to 15% MHP as Shield HP.

Aktif: ??? (13 detik)

  • Deal 300/350/400% Physical damage to the current Sasaran in sequence, gain 1 [Upwind] and enter [Unyielding]. [Unyielding]: Resists 1 CC effect. Upon resisting, this state disappears and grants 1 [Upwind]. [Upwind] has max. 5 stack

Ultimate: ??? (30 detik)

  • Select a nearby Sasaran and deal 280% Physical damage to it 5 times, consuming all [Upwind]. Each [Upwind] consumed increase the damage of the final blow by 100%.

Doll ini terbilang Istimewa karena Mempunyai daya tahan seperti Guard Tetapi tetap Mempunyai damage setingkat Warrior. Mempunyai kemampuan mengelabui Mortalitas seperti Hatsuchiri. Satu-satunya Warrior yang Dapat bertahan dari serangan 1-hit-kill dari Boss seperti Raven.

Meski begitu Magnhilda membutuhkan komposisi tim yang berpusat padanya sebagai core. Ia membutuhkan Medic yang bagus dan juga Angela Demi memitigasi kekurangan cooldown skillnya yang Panjang.

Nascita/Nahita – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Teleport, Normal Attack, True Damage, Anti-Healer

Pasif: Declaration

  • After 5 basic attacks, Nasita will enter the Hurricane state for 5 basic attacks.Hurricane: The Jarak between basic attacks is greatly shortened. After the basic attack, it flashes to the next Sasaran of the basic attack. In this state, the basic attack damage is reduced by 50%, and a layer of the Wolf Eclipse effect is attached. During this period, automatic skills cannot be released. Wolf Eclipse: When added, it will cause 40% of the attack power to the Sasaran, and reduce the maximum health limit of 40% of the attack power, with 1 layer of Griveous Wounds effect, which can be stacked 10 times.

Aktif: Assault (6 detik)

  • Causes physical damage equal to 350% of the attack power to the current Sasaran and adds 3 layers of the Wolf Eclipse effect. If the Sasaran has a shield, the damage of this skill will be increased by 30%.

Ultimate: Wolf Smash! (30 detik)

  • Enters the state of Hero Mode for 6 seconds.Hero Mode: Attack speed increases by 15%, basic attack will have an additional layer of Wolf Eclipse effect, enter Hurricane state with Hero Home, the duration of the hurricane state will be extended by 5 times, the next release of Sublimation Disease Assault will refund 30% of automatic skill charges.

Salah satu pengguna Function Card terbaik dalam PNC. Mekanisme True-Damage memberi garansi DPS Nascita di konten yang Enggak Mempunyai fitur Function Card. Merupakan versi upgrade dari Betty.

Nascita juga Pandai memberi debuff Grievous Wounds ke Musuh, yang mengurangi jumlah heal yang diterima dan regenerasi mereka, sangat Bermanfaat melawan beberapa musuh dan Boss tertentu. Mempunyai kecepatan serangan tinggi ketika ultimate-nya aktif. Secara keseluruhan, Nascita adalah Warrior yang sangat handal dalam melawan musuh-musuh keras.



Daiyan/Haze – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Damage Dealer, Overpenetraion, Crit-enabler

Pasif: ???

  • Range+2, CDMG+20%.Basic attacks carries sound waves. if a sound wave goes through an ally, it gains the ability to penetrate, dealing [20xNumber of allies passed]% Physical damage to all enemies on its path.

Aktif: ??? (16 detik)

  • Emits a sound wave towards current Sasaran, dealing 300% Physical damage. The sound wave gives 9s of [Concordance] to all allies it passes through.[Concordance]: Skill damage can crit based on the bearer’s crit stats

Ultimate: ??? (30 detik)

  • After choosing a direction, becomes Untargetable and emits a sound wave towards said direction every second for 5s. The sound waves deal 120% Physical damage and gives 5s of [Concordance] to allies it passes through

Sniper yang berfokus dalam mendukung DPS lain dalam tim, Tetapi sendirinya Mempunyai output damage yang cukup tinggi. Skill Aktif Daiyan merupakan daya jual utamanya karena Dapat Membangun Doll-Doll yang aslinya Enggak Dapat melakukan Crit, dapat melakukannya (Kuro misalnya), meningkatkan DPS tim secara keseluruhan secara signifikan.

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Daiyan membutuhkan Doll-Doll DPS dengan build Crit Rate tinggi Demi memaksimalkan potensinya, serta Angela Demi mengurangi cooldown Skill Aktif.

Sockdolager – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Damage Dealer, Stats Buffs

Pasif: ???

  • After Basic attacking 2 times, the next Basic attack cannot be evaded, and it deals an additional [50% attack power x The number of squares from the enemy] Physical damage.

Aktif: ??? (12 detik)

  • Buffs self and the ally with the highest Attack Speed: Basic attacks deal additional damage equal to 80% of Sockdolagers Attack.

Ultimate: ??? (30 detik)

  • Shoots an arrow in the selected direction, dealing 720% Physical damage to all enemies it passes through. Additionally buffs any allies the arrow passes through with 50% Attack Speed and Movement Speed.

Mempunyai DPS Lihai Bagus Single-Sasaran maupun AoE, serta memberi buff ATK, Attack Speed, dan Movement Speed Demi Doll Sahabat. Output damage Sockdolager meningkat pesat Kalau disandingkan dengan Daiyan. Kalau disandingkan dengan Chanzi, maka mereka berdua dapat menyapu Bersih Musuh di satu map.

Zangyin/Kurane – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi – Damage Dealer

Pasif: Qingsi Youji

  • Every 2nd basic attack of Zangyin will make Jiao Python gain 1 Candle Soul, Jiao Python will follow Zangyin’s basic attack, causing 45% computing power + Candle Soul points 1.5% to the Sasaran The computing power’s critical damage can be accumulated to a maximum of 10 points of Candle Soul from normal attacks, and a maximum of 20 points of Candle Soul from the ultimate skill.

Aktif: Exorcism Candle (10 detik)

  • Inflict 100% computing power and Candle Soul points, 20% computing power to the current Sasaran and can crit damage; own attack speed increases by 25% and lasts for Candle Soul points for 1 second.

Ultimate: Jiao Python Lingyan (30 detik)

  • Select a Sasaran and release Jiao Python to attack the Sasaran for 5 seconds, causing 50% computing power + Candle Soul points for 4% computing power calculation damage 3 times per second, the upper limit of Candle Soul is increased by 2 points, and Gain 2 Candle Soul.

Zangyin hanya berfokus pada satu hal, yakni memberi damage sebanyak mungkin pada Musuh. Di berbagai situasi, damage yang ia hasilkan Nyaris setara dengan duet Kuro+Daiyan Tetapi Lagi kurang dari segi eksplosivitas dibandingkan Kuro.

Uranus – Highly Recommended

( Team)

Orientasi: Damage Dealer, AoE Damage Dealer

Pasif: Pulse Barrier Breaker

  • Basic attack has a 25% chance to launch EMP projectiles. This basic attack damages 100% of its own computing power and adds a layer of failure effect to the Sasaran for 4 seconds.

Aktif: Magnetic Bomb (15 detik)

  • Throws a magnetic mine at the current Sasaran, causing 160% of its own calculation damage to the Sasaran and 1 grid of enemies around it. When there are multiple enemies on the current field, it will bounce to the nearest enemy and deal damage to the enemy and the enemy. Enemies in 1 block around it deal damage equal to 160% of their own computing power.

Ultimate: Move

  • Continuously shoots and guides the selected enemy Sasaran, causing 40% of its own calculation damage to the Sasaran every 0.2 seconds for 3 seconds. After killing the current Sasaran, switch to the enemy with the lowest HP, and increase the skill duration by 1.5 seconds.

Mirip seperti Hubble, Tetapi Mempunyai damage yang sedikit lebih tinggi dan tanpa Crowd-Control seperti Hubble. Sangat cocok menggunakan set Function Card Deadly Blow.

Clukay – GOD

( Team)

Orientasi: Extremely Massive AoE/Single-Sasaran Damage Dealer, HK416’s Incarnation

Pasif: Dead Bloom

  • Basic attack has a 15% chance to launch a grenade at the current Sasaran, causing 100% of the calculated damage to the Sasaran and all enemy units in a square around the Sasaran. If there is no enemy unit in the Sasaran, the current Sasaran releases a 3-hit combo, causing 3 critical hits of 60% of the calculated damage; the enemy knocked down by Clukay will Bloom. Blooming: The killed enemy explodes, causing 200% of the computing power of the critical strike to the surrounding enemy units.

Aktif: Dark Night Thunderstorm (15 detik)

  • Launches an annihilation grenade at the densest area of ‚Äã‚Äãthe enemy, dealing 230% of the computing power of the critical strike to the Sasaran and all enemies in a square around the Sasaran, and adds a “computing power erosion” effect that lasts for 10 seconds. Hashrate Corrosion: Takes 10% of Clukay’s Hashrate damage every second, and will trigger Bloom when she falls.

Ultimate: Dawn (30 detik)

  • Use the tracer to calibrate the coordinates and call in air fire support. Launches 5 penetrating tracer rounds at the center of the selected area, causing 25% of the calculated damage to the enemies on the path that can be critically hit, and then fires a signal bomb to summon air fire support, causing a total of 20 critical hits to the enemies in the selected area. The calculated damage of 50% of the computing power.

Doll limited edition yang muncul Begitu perayaan 1 tahun ultah PNC di server CN. Satu-satunya Doll yang neural fragment-nya Enggak Dapat difarming. Titisan dari HK416 dari Girls’ Frontline.

Memilik kemampuan pasif Kuro ditambah dengan Pengaruh dari set Deadly Blow Function Card. AoE Damage yang menyaingi Sueyoi. Ultimate yang menembakkan 20 Critical Hit ke Musuh. Single-handedly mempermudah segala konten sulit di PNC.

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Literally a God.



Helix – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Battle Recovery, Stats Buff, Ultimate Recycling, very cute

Pasif: ???

  • When an ally’s HP falls under 20%, heal them for 30% CALC per [Energized] stacks possessed, triggers once per ally per game. When the battle is over, heal all allies for 60% per [Energized] stacks, not affected by Overtime effects.

Aktif: ??? (13 detik)

  • Throws a potion at the ally with the lowest HP%, which heals all allies in its AOE for 450% CALC and giving them [Stimulated] for 7s. Self gain 1 [Energized].[Stimulated]: ATK/CALC increased by 25% [Energized]: Expand the AOE of active skill by 1 HEX, max 15.

Ultimate: ???

  • Give [Activated] to the ally that last used an ultimate skill and temporarily giving them 1 Ultimate cast. (When no ultimate skill has been used or the ally that last used an ultimate dies, this skill cannot be casted). [Activated]: ATK/CALC +15%, Ultimate CD is reset

Sangat cocok Demi Warrior comp terutama yang berbasis pada core Magnhilda. Kapasitas Heal yang sangat tinggi dan Enggak dikurangi oleh Pengaruh Overtime, menambah HP Recovery Doll Sahabat usai memenangkan setiap battle, memungkinkan Doll Sahabat menggunakan Ultimate dua kali berturut-turut, memberi tambahan stats. Medic yang nyaris sempurna dan merupakan rival Nanaka sebagai Medic terbaik dalam PNC.



Sueyoi – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: AoE Specialist, AoE True Damage, Micro-demanding

Pasif: ???

  • Charges 105 energy per second instead of attacking, and tethers to the Sasaran, slowing the Sasaran by 30% for 3s on first hit while dealing 3% true damage. Once enough energy is charged to kill the Sasaran or if 10 seconds have elapsed, discharge and deal [1% calculation power x # of stcks] by basic attacking (overkill stacks are saved for the next basic attack).Attribute Conversion: After conversion, will no longer possess this attribute. Every 1% of Crit chance increases charging speed by 0.8% and every 1% of crit damage adds 0.4% charging speed.Unable to Crit: This damage cannot crit by normal means, but can crit through Function Cards.True Damage: Damage is not affected by physical or calculation defense. It does not proc reflect, lifesteal or other damage related effects, and neither does it proc function and skill related damage conditions, but it is affected by damage multipliers and damage reduction/immunity.

Aktif: ??? (8 detik)

  • Marks a Sasaran, when a Sasaran is marked his passive generates 50% more charges. When the Sasaran is hit by the final charge of basic attack or ultimate, the mark detonates, dealing 100% true damage and spreading the targets debuffs to enemies within 1 HEX.True Damage: Damage is not affected by physical or talc defense. it does not proc thorns, lifesteal or other damage related effects, and neither does it proc function and skill related damage conditions, but it is affected by damage multipliers and damage reduction/immunity.

Ultimate: ???

  • Gain Super Armor and charge up 1500 Energy over 3 seconds. After the charge duration, deal 11% x Energy stack] Calculation damage to the selected Sasaran. if the Sasaran dies, keep discharging remaining stacks at other targets until stacks are exhausted. Induction: Cannot make auto attacks during induction. Induction is broken by being CC’d, moved, losing a Sasaran or using an ult.

Doll ini sangat membutuhkan kemampuan manajemen mikro yang detail dari Pemain Demi Dapat mencapai puncak potensinya. Merupakan Doll andalan Demi menyelesaikan konten Black Hole (selain tentunya Clukay), dengan AoE Damage yang masif. Juga Mempunyai Single-Sasaran Damage yang bagus, Tetapi AoE Damage-nya lebih bersinar.

Sueyoi adalah Doll terhebat di PNC dari segi maksimal potensi damagenya, hanya disaingi oleh Clukay the Goddess Herself.

Nora – Must Have

( Team)

Orientasi: Minus Def/Fragile, Crowd-Control

Pasif: ???

  • At the start of battle, gain [Mindful].[Mindful]: ATK+150%, decreasing by 1/3 every 15s into [Exhaustion].[Exhaustion]: Dodge +50%, unable to act and freezes Active charge, can use Ultimate and cannot resist debuffs.

Aktif: ??? (12 detik)

  • Continuously deal 120% physical damage to Secara acak enemies and adding 3 debuffs – [Adjured], [Shattered], [Fretting] in sequence for 3s. After 8 casts, each subsequent cast increase the chance of self-stunning for lAs and stopping the skill by 15%.
  • [Adjured]: All DEF -30%[Shattered]: Stun[Fretting]: +15% damage received

Ultimate: ??? (30 detik)

  • If Nora is in [Exhaustion], gain (Quick-witted] for 30s. Otherwise, release Active skill on all enemies on field with the damage for each cast reduced to 40%.[Quick-Witted]: ATK+90%, turns into permanent [Exhaustion] after the duration ends

Specialist Godlike yang Maju menerus memberi debuff serta burst damage mematikan kepada Musuh di satu map, dan sangat perkasa di konten tanpa Function Card. Kekurangan Nora adalah hanya Dapat efektif digunakan selama total 75 detik saja sehingga harus sering diswap in and out dengan Doll lain dan hanya menggunakan Nora Demi sub-stage yang Betul-Betul sulit saja. Kalau disandingkan dengan Clukay, akan menjadi pembersih map mematikan.

